For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
Happy New Year 2009
“To succeed in life, one must cultivate an ability to sit still and remain polite while foolish people speak nonsense” AR-H
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What if and I know this stretches the imagination, what if your New Year resolution this year was to simply accept that you had not done all those things you said you would do. What if your goal was to have no expectations of self this year but to let go of all the regrets, missed opportunities and unsaid words? So follow me with this..what if instead of giving yourself more stuff to hold onto to or fill up your life you let a little bit go? Then maybe you would have room for other things to enter different things which might add more layers to your life or greater depth. Maybe by letting go a little pressure would be taken off, a small amount of happiness might creep in and maybe because you are filled with more joy and want to jump into life you could give up smoking because it no longer fits into your life.
The bigger the expectation attached the harder the task, which is why so many New Year resolutions sink without a trace. If you want to try to give up smoking be realistic and pick a less stressful time than the holidays. If you want to exercise more be practical and start with a evening stroll with the dog around the neighborhood. If you want to lose weight don’t deprive yourself of food start by learning more about your food habits what you eat, why you eat and how you can serve food and cook it in ways that are tasty and healthy. When you have the information and the skills then start these life changing things don’t expect to just wake up one day and magically lose a craving for fast food and cigarettes.
Start your New Year off with acceptance of self, forgiveness of self and self love. Accept who you are, where you are and all that you are because honestly until you do those things nothing you do is going to work as you want it to. This New Year start of without expectations but with hope and love in your heart. It is a brand new day step into it with the confidence Creator thinks you are perfect just as you are.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
“Life is all about choices, but sometimes some people are hard to choose what’s right and what’s wrong for them and it depends on the situation too…”
Today morning I got up with the thought that whoever we are, whatever we go through, is the manifestation of the choices that we have made. Life is all about the choices that we make and don’t make. Every moment we keep making new or renewed choices. Every aspect of our life is determined by our choices and intentions. Life is about the uniqueness of an individual, the concern with the meaning and purpose of living and the freedom that is his/ her most important and distinctively human property. We must accept our responsibility for everything about ourselves, not just our actions, but our attitudes, our emotions and even our personalities. We ourselves are responsible for our emotions, because they are ways in which we choose to react to the world. When the frustration reaches its peak, I have to choose to either outrage or to remain silent. So even though we are not aware of it, our freedom and hence our responsibility extends to everything we think of and do.
There are times, however, when we attribute our behaviors and actions to the external reasons and factors. This is illusory because we all are aware of our freedom, however, at times of temptation or indecision the anguish over power us not because of the fear of some external object, but the awareness of ultimate unpredictability of our own behavior. I fear of doing something for which I know the consequences, yet, I feel anguish when I wonder, whether I would be able to hold myself from making a choice, for which I know I will have to face the consequences. Anguish, the consciousness of our freedom, is painful, and we typically try to avoid it by seeking the reasons outside, but such escape is illusory, for it is a necessary truth that we are free and no one else but only we are responsible for the choices that we have made. We all make our individual choices with full awareness, and no one else determines them for us. So If I make certain choices, I must be prepared for its consequences. There is no escape from the anguish of freedom; to flee responsibility is itself a choice. Since a person is essentially a unity, not just a bundle of desires and habits but there must be for each person some fundamental choices that give meaning of every particular aspects of his/ her behavior.
Considering this postulate, if I am in a tormenting situation, it’s me who has made the choices to be in this situation on the first place. If I continue to remain into redundant relationships, it’s because I have asked for it. If I find myself suffocating in the complex situations of life, it’s because of the choices that I have made in the past. If I find a pattern of drawing people close to me who give me pain, it’s because I have chosen to be in that pain. So what I am today, or the kind of situation I am into, no one else but I am responsible for it.
Will this realization create remorse or self pity in me? No, it would rather help me to be at peace. Why do I get frustrated for something that I have chosen for myself? This awareness probably will enable me to accept the fact that the life I am living today is what I have chosen for me. No choice is right or wrong when we make it, its only later we realize whether this is what we wanted for ourselves. With this realization, I am the best friend as well as the worst critique of my own self. This way I will be able to reflect my own actions through continued critical analysis, yet accept myself whole heartedly for all my humanly weaknesses and take responsibility of my actions. And if I choose to change certain aspects of my life or behavior, then it’s only me who has to take the steps in an organized way. From my past experiences so far, I have learned that no matter how the situations may be adverse, the energy is within us to change our behavioral patterns, habits, surroundings and situations to the way we want. We have to be aware of the strength, the enormous power that is already there within us.
This awareness also makes us take control of our emotions and feelings. After all our emotions are determined by the way we feel about something. If I am angry it is because I have chosen to be angry. The more I am aware of my anger, and the more I am not just angry and the more I am capable of taking control of my own emotions, for to be aware of, that I am feeling or behaving in a certain way would make a difference to me.
The authenticity of taking responsibility of my action would also require respecting the freedom of other people. This is challenge to us all, to become more truly self aware and to exercise our power of reflecting, introspecting, being critically aware, accept ourselves the way we are and yet move towards growth.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
eiD muBariK
Thursday, December 4, 2008
HaPpY B' DaY KokkY
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift
of peace and tranquility
to our familly.
Happy B' Day Love
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Glad I've Found You !
To appreciate your kindness and your gold filled heart,
When I am down and I start feeling sad,
I know you are there and then I am glad.
I am glad I have found someone so true,
An honesty that helps me and gives me a clue,
How to solve my problems when I don't know where to turn,
With your help, from my mistakes I know I will learn.
You are there for me each and every day,
You make me laugh and smile in your own little way,
I can't thank you enough for always being there,
I know I can trust you and see that you care.
I love you lots as you already know,
I am here for you, should you start feeling low,
I'm glad I found you and will always hold you near,
You will never be alone for I am always here.
Thank you SHAL, for helping me through,
There's no other way to say it,
I'd be lost without you!
Monday, October 13, 2008
How and Why we fall in Love?
Falling in love and love are two quiet different feeling. Falling in love can be either a flash of emotions or a first step towards love.
You have to do nothing to fall in love and often there’s either nothing you can do to stop falling in love. It’s very illogical: you suffer from splashes of emotions, doubts can’t fully control yourself and it’s all because of a person you usually almost don’t know. When we fall in love nature shows all its power on us. Sometimes it even goes against our sense when we understand that we can’t expect anything good from these relationships that it’s the wrong person but still can do nothing about ourselves.
Falling in love is the call of our sex but the object is instinctually chosen according to our ideals, dreams and etc although we may not realize it. We usually fall in love with the appearance of the person, with the way he/she walks, the way he/she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some illusions, ideal qualities and the more we get to know that that person the less we fall for him or her. That’s when the feeling disappears eve faster than it appeared.
The more two persons get to know each other, the more comfortable they get the less sharp, bright and exciting the feeling gets. Some couples continue their relationships and get married in the end some fall apart. It’s reasonable to say that a second pair of slippers by the bed and one more toothbrush in the bathroom is the end of that crazy falling in love but it also can be the beginning of something more serious.
Different people fall in love more or less often than other. Some are switching partners enjoying crazy emotions which never turn with them into a real love.
Some may fall in love for a short time while having some permanent partner they love; this can even ruin some stable relationships. Some can claim to be in love with two people at the same time. These are usually two very different people so that one can’t choose which type is better but can neither afford to take both. In the center of love there’s always only one person.
We may call falling in love some kind of a temporary illness both mental and physical and won’t be very wrong. Some will say that it’s destructive, selfish, possessive, and blind and give falling in love many other unpleasant definitions. But have those people ever been in love? Because if they have, they would know that it differs from any other illness in on very essential way – it can be very pleasant. People nowadays often turn to antidepressants and drugs because it makes them feel better in the first case and makes them high in the second.
Falling in love is the most natural and the least harmless kind of doping. Yes, it’s not a mural, it never looks in the future, in fact it has no future but it gives life some spirit of freshness and youthfulness
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Think about our Nation, Go Vote!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What does True Love mean?
It could be just the basic instinct. The feelings can be passionate and crazy, but in fact both people may want only sex. And after it all the misunderstanding starts, and once infatuated lovers will find out that they have nothing in common and sometimes they don’t even know what to talk with each other.
Another variant is when people lack support, care and attention to their person or they just scared to stay single. Being with someone can be a habit when one simply got used to the other. It can either be a sick addiction or some self-interest. People call all these types of relationship love just by mistake or trying to conceal the true nature of it.
But than what does real love look and feel like? Maybe it’s when two people seem to know each other for ages and even in their previous lives. They can go on talking and talking and conversation never lacks topics and never gets dull. Or people don’t have to say anything because they understand each other without words. And those moments, minutes and even hours of silence are never uncomfortable. True love is when partners complete one another, when they’re together it’s peaceful, the whole other world with it’s sufferings and problems doesn’t exist and nothing even matters.
True love means understanding. One trusts another more than him/herself and feels ready to satisfy every little need of a partner. Two people don’t stop for a second looking into each other eyes.
It’s said that two persons truly in love aren’t looking at each other but in the one direction. And this is rather reasonable because they don’t say nothing “this is yours and this is mine” and share everything: friends, enemies, interests, problems and etc. One has his/her own identity but sees him/herself only as a part of the other. Still real love is not a relationship of property. If you really love someone you may say “I belong you” but always be ready to let go if it makes the person you love happy.
Jealousy stands out of the true love. How can one be jealous if there’s so much love and faithfulness? Real love doesn’t long for power, it doesn’t want to hurt, doesn’t want to punish for mistakes, it’s self-sacrificing and ready to forgive other and other again. But it’s wrong to think that true love is always a suffering, it only means that you take a person as he or she is and don’t expect the one you love to be perfect.
True love isn’t supposed to blow your mind, yet it doesn’t tend to get and to possess – it’s a and very special state of a soul.
But the question that true love is still has no definite answer. Do we truly love only once in our life? At what age are we supposed to meet our love? Does it last for a lifetime or just for a while? Probably everyone has his own answers to this questions. The truth is that no one should spend life chasing ideals or building relationships by some model of a true love. One will probably fail and miss the real thing beyond all this.
We should remember that very many things we need to supply our healthy and comfortable living but only the true feeling of love makes life really longer and happier. And this is scientifically proved.
( Note : This article is based on Dr. Philips Marconis ( UK ) book of "True Love and the Relationship", a specialist of Love and Realtionship" )
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Eid Mubarak
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Words are spoken, some encourage, others hurt, as they say, you can tame almost everything in the world, but never the tongue.
Words cut sharper than the blade, they pierce through you without your knowledge. Words are the strongest weapon of all. Words stop wars, words trigger wars, words encourage people, words bring inspirations, but words also bring a person's down fall. Words hurt alot, especially when they are spoken at the wrong time.
Speak what your hearts desire, but remember this rule when you speak, if you want to speak about someone, speak the truth and speak it right in the face of the person. For critical words do hurt, but they hurt more when the person finds out about it, not through your mouth, but the tongue of others.
Words come out of our mouth, sometimes so sudden, almost without any thoughts to it. Ask yourself a question, when is the last time you praise someone? When is the last time you actually tell someone that she look pretty or he is smart? It's been awhile since you do that huh? Why is it so hard to praise people? Why is it so difficult for us to open our mouth and tell someone that he or she is doing well?
One day, a little boy took an apple out of the refrigerator, he washed it and wanted to take the first bite, but, before biting the apple, he realised that at top of the apple there was a small part of it which was spoilt, without thinking further, he took the apple and wanted to throw it into the dustbin. A hand came and stopped him, it was his mom, she said " Why are you throwing the apple into the dustbin?" the little boy answered " It's spoilt at d top, can't eat it, so i decided to throw it away." his mom took the apple from him, took a knife, and cut off the part of the apple in which was spoilt and passed it back to the little boy, then said "Look, it isn't spoilt now, isn't it? All you need is to cut of the part which is spoilt, then you'll have an edible apple again." The little boy, took the apple, smiled and went away eating it happily.
Similarly, we are like apples, everyone of us, thus try and focus on the good points of each person instead of their bad points, then you will be able to praise someone sincerely through your heart. Remember, the fist does much, the mind does more, but words, does most; it crushes hopes and it builds them up, it comes meaninglessly sometimes, but it stays forever in our hearts, words affect people's life, words encourage and discourage one. Words are the greatest weapon and yet, at the same time, the greatest aid.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Love, Faith, Hope. . . . .
Love is mercy, love is kind, love is unexplainable and love is just plain love. To love someone, is to be able to trust the person as much as you trust yourself. To love someone is to be able to sacrifice whatever you have for the person, including your own life. To love someone is to be able to forgive forever for whatever fault the person makes. To love someone is to be able to accept the person for who he or she is. Loving someone is to love the person for no other reasons but because he or she is no one else but themselves.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Faith is the confidence in something you believe in. To have faith, first have confidence, to have confidence you have to believe strongly in what you believe in. Faith doesnt come over night, faith is built and grown over a long period of time. To have faith is to have no fear or doubt in whatever you believe, but, remember, faith cannot exist without love, this is because with love comes belief, and with that comes faith. Faith does the right thing at the right time.
Hope is something in which people want and really wish for. It is something that brings life out of a person, something in which gives a person a sense of fulfillment in his or her life. Without hope, there is no life at all.
These all come with a choice, you make a choice to love, you make a choice to have faith, then you will have hope in life. Love is as much a question of the will as it is of the emotion. And if you will to love somebody, you can. And with love comes faith, and with faith comes hope, and with hope comes life. A life without love, is no life at all.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Reason to write!
words, full of meaning
words, that i mean each
and every one of them
stuggle to come out!
emotions, plenty of them
neatly bottled up inside;
words for each occasion;
words for each emotion!
struggling to come out,
causing a huge traffic jam
inside my mind
leaving my heart with no peace!
a stream of words
rushed out from my heart;
bottled up inside,
they queued up!
queued up inside my mind
causing more chaos and
adding to the bottleneck inside
i struggle to find a way!
i struggle to find a way
to let you know what my heart says;
i struggle to pen words
to my emotions!
struggling each and every minute
i try to find a reason behind all this
i strive to find an answer -
when i am struggling to express myself to you,
what’s the reason that forces me to write?
as my friend said, Words are more powerful than a sword
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Mifaharu meee Rayyithunge faharu kamugai ha'hdhavamaa!
Alhugadumenge gaumu miadhu mivaneee varah muhinmu adhi bura masakthaka kurimathi laanjehifa eve. Kuriyah oiy riyaasee inthikhaabakee alhugadumen enmehaa dhivehi rayythiunge kuri musthagubalaa unmeedhuthaka gulhifaivaa inthikhaabekeve. Sababakee dhivehin dhekemun ai furihama dimokrasee ge furthama muti party inthikhaabu akah mifaharuge inthikhaabu vaakameve.
Hama ehenme mifaharuge inthihaabugai vaadhakuraa eki eki partyge candidate in inthikhaabu kaamiyaabu kurehvumahttakai thafaathu gina guna huvafen thah rayythiunah dhakkamun dhaairu alhugadumenge ninmun ninman vaanee rayythunnashaa gaumah eneme laabaya manfaa huri gothakah balaigenneve. Ehbayaku Aaa usaminthakakah mi gaumu gengons dheyne kamah vaudhu vaairu aneh bayaku Aneh dhivehi raajje ah alhugadumen gengos dheyne kamah bunamun eba dhe eve. Hama eheneme Ehbayaku Rayyithunge dhuvahakah inthihaabu kurumah rayyithuge kibain edhemun dhaairu aneh bayaku kuramun dhaa campaign gai bunamundhanee mi eee Rayyithunge faraathun Rayythunnahtakai, Rayyithun kuraa campaign eh kameve.
Mifadha thafathu huvafen thah dhakkamun dhaairu eneme fahu bas bunumuge haggu miothee alhugadumen rayyithunge aiy matheegai kan aeee alhugadumen dhenegannan vee kamekeve. Alhugadumne Vote dhinumugai balanvee huvafen thakakh nooneve. Vaudhu thakakah nooneve. Alhugadumen balanvee iguthisoadhee adhavalhakah vehttemun midhaa dhivehi raajje nagaa kolhah jahaalevey varuge gaabilu ithubaarukurevey beyfulhakuge aiymahchah alhugadumenge gaumuge hungaanu dhookohlumashehve.
Mifaharuge inthikhaabugai enme varugadha campaign eh kuramundhaa ekakee mihaarugeves Raees maumoon eve. Emanikufaanuge 30 aharu dhuvahuge hudhumuhuthaaru verikamah fahu dhivehinge there in madhu bayaku kuramundhiya hinmatha minaiytheri masahkathun gaumuge etherennaa beyruge pressuraa hedhi gaumah democracy gennan majubooruve, Gaanoon asaasee islaahukurevi aa gaanoonu asaaseege dhashun aneh 5 aharu kurimathi laanekanves iulaanukoh mihaaru edhanee campaign kuramun neve. Alhugadumen balaa visnanvee kamakeee 30 aharudhuvahuge verikamehggai maumoonuge sarukaarah dhevifaivanee kihanee usminakah thoaeve. Hama yageenunves alhugadumene handhaanun fuhelan dhathi ethah kaamiyaabeh maumoonu vanee hoadhai dheefaeve. Eygetherein Alhugadumenge zuvaanun Masthuvaa thaketheege shikaarakayah hedhumaa, Gaumuge mussadhikan emanikufaanuge auvaanunnnah behumaa, mi raajjeygai oiy dheenee revethi namoonaa nahthaalahvvaa laa dheenee kankan tha’aarafu kohdheefai ve eve.
Dhen huree MDP ge riyaasee candidate Anni eve. Anni akee dhivehi raajje mihaaru mi dhekemundhaa reform ge hageegee baanee kamugai gina bayaku dhekemundhaa ekekeve. Namves inthihaabu kairivefaivaairu MDP ah meege kurin libemundhaa varah support libemun nudhaakan aeee varah ginabayaku faahaga kuraa kamekeve. MDP ge leadership gai thibi ginabayku inthihaabu kudathan vefai vanikoh MDP ah alvadhaau kiyumahfahu ehen party thaka gulhi nuvatha aa party thakeh ufahdhaigen masaiykaiy kuramun dhaa manzaru alhugadumennah fennamun eba dheyeve.
Minivan candidate eh gothugai nikume ulhey Dr Hassan Saeedh akee gina bayaku dhekey gothugai mifaharu inthihaabugai Maumoonah oiy enme bodu hurahakah vaane eve. Sababakee Hassan Saeedh akee Maumoonuge reform agendage dhasun maumoonuge cabinetugai Bandaara naibuge gothugai hure sarukaarun isthiufa dhevvai sarukaaruge fathifuh aanmukuramun, adhi rayythunnahttakai gina kanthah thakeh badhalu kohdheyen kamah vaudhuvamun dhaa kiyavaigenhuri thauleemee ragalhu beyfulhakah vaakameve. Namves gina bayaku faahaga kuraa gothugai Dr.Hassange balifayakee thajuribaa madhukama Rayyithunah adhi gina kanthakeh kohdhevifai nuvaa kameve.
Mifaharuge inthihaabugai vadhakuraa Party thakuge candidate in ge therein Social Libaral Partyge Ibrahim Ismail ( Ibra ) akee ginabayehgge varah maguboolu siyaasee leader ekeve. Ibra mashhooru vefai vanee 2004 vana aharu Rayyithunge haassa majilis ge Male’ godiah kurimthilaa Faalhugai mi sarukaarah faadukiyai e inthikhaabu bodu faragakun kaamiyaabu kuri hisaabunneve. Adhi hama eaa vidhigen Jalugai hayyaruve hure rayyithunge majilis ge Male’ ge godives Ibra kaamiyaabu kuri eve. Ibra Majilis ah ayyan kurevuma hamain dhivehi raajjeyge siyaasee maidhaanah varah bodethi ingilaabuthah annan feshi eve. Egothun faalhugai sarukaaruge siyaassathah faadukiyumaa, rayyithunge shu’ooru aanmuthan thaagai faalhukurumaa, mifadha kithame kan kameh fenigen dhiyaeve.
Ibrahim Ismail akee Majileehugai rayyithunah faidhaavaane kithame kithame massalla akaa varugadha bahus thah koh e massala thah rayyithunah faidhaa vaa gothakah ninmumugai varah isdhaureh adhaa kohffaivaa member ekeve. Hama eheneme Raajjeygai ufedhunu furathama siyaasee Partyge Raees ves me eve. Ibra ge Leadership gai MDP vefai vanee Raajjeyge rayythun gaboolukuraa Rayyithunge medhugai maguboolu Party akah hadhaafa eve.
Dhen fenigen dhiyaee Ibra MDP dhookoh amilla Party eh ragistry kuri manzareve. Ibra Party ragistry kurumugai dhimaavi hurihaa gonjehumaka rah’dhu dhemun sarukaarah gonjahamun Party ragistry kurun vegen dhiyaee Ibra ge kulhadhaanakan, adhi siyaasee maidhaanugai Ibra ge hiyvarugadhakan haamavagen dhiya kameh kamugaeve.
Ibra akee rayyithunge ihussas thah dhanegen rayyithunahttakai massaiykaiy kuraa madhu siyaasee leaderunge therein faahaga kohlevey beyfulehkeve. Kuriyah oiy riyaasee inthkhaabugai vaadhakuraa candidatunge therein Rayythunaa eneme rahttehi rayyithun’nahttakai ginaguna massakaiy thakeh kaamiyaabu kohffaivaa candidatekeve.
Mi noonas ithuru ehen party thankunves candidatun kuriyah oiy riyaasee inthikhaabugai vaadhakurah vaanekan vanee iulaanu kurahvaafaeve. Namaves alhugadumen rayyithunge ninmun ninmanvaanee alhugadumenge kurimagahttakai varah bodah visnaa fikuru hingumah fahuga eve. Alhugadumenah libifaivaa Vote dhinumuge haggakee madhu faisaakolhakah vikkaaleveyne ehchakah nuhadhama hingavaasheve. Alhugadumenege mi hahggu dhookohlan vaaneee alhugadumenge gaumaa alhugadumenege dharinge musthagubalah visnaa eneme ragalhu gothugaeve. Mi eee alhugadumenge fahareve. Gotheh ninmun miothee hama ekani alhugadumen Rayyithunge aiy matheega eve.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ramazan Mubarak to All
May we all become better human beings , good muslims and may Allah bless and have mercy on all of us, and guide us to the straghit path. Ameen
Monday, August 25, 2008
Willingness and
Eagerness rise
To their Himalayan
At break of dawn
Our soul teaches us
The lesson of
In Sunrise- Silence,
Our waking mind
Becomes the lover
Of Peace.
The Morning-Confidence
Energises even
A hopeless heart.
Morning is the
Inspiration – Spring
And aspiration – summer.
Morning Loves
To Behold the
Ever – transcending
In the morning
Our soul oversees
With greater care.
At dawn we are closely in touch
With God’s Heart-
At morning sunrise
A self-giving heart
Radiates with the
Beauty of the
Entire creation.
bak Again
Its been few days I havn’t even look to my blog. And Just from today I have started to update my blog. And also when it came to update I have change few stuff like “Ad’s of IBRA Presidential campaign”.
This time I would brings some entertinments plus politicals news toooo. Thanks for you guys
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Lesson
I've learned a lot of lessons
In the short time I have lived
I've learned how to appreciate
And I've learned how to give.
But in these past few months
There's two I'll remember most
I've learned how to love
And I've learned to let go.
You entered my life with such a force
And left it with one as strong
And though we tried to make it last
We both knew it wouldn't be long.
I lie at night and think about
How I'm the one to blame.
If only I would have trusted you,
I could have missed this pain.
And so I spent each day of my life
With my heart in pieces
And when I thought it could never be cured,
Something happened; I expected it least.
I guess my soul was all cried out,
And it was tired of being used.
And even though I know I'm guilty,
I was tired of being accused.
And so I've learned to end this
Without an urge to cry
These are my final words to you,
"I love you and goodbye."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Welcome to My Blog!
Here is the thing - I thought I could come up with interesting post as the first entry in my so-cold blog. Unfortunately nothing capture my mind.
Anyway Um not a good writer this is jus a try.
I been thinking about blogging lately, especially expressing personal thoughts about life. So here I am - starting new journey in the world of blogging.
Well, where should I begin? First thing - I am simple, silent and serious guy,
A free spirit who loves life and things in it.
Everyone has something to share, whether it's good or bad - So this is the bridge of my lil thoughts and thinking's.
Hope everyone who's gonna visit this blog will enjoy my craxy thots. Thanks