To appreciate your kindness and your gold filled heart,
When I am down and I start feeling sad,
I know you are there and then I am glad.
I am glad I have found someone so true,
An honesty that helps me and gives me a clue,
How to solve my problems when I don't know where to turn,
With your help, from my mistakes I know I will learn.
You are there for me each and every day,
You make me laugh and smile in your own little way,
I can't thank you enough for always being there,
I know I can trust you and see that you care.
I love you lots as you already know,
I am here for you, should you start feeling low,
I'm glad I found you and will always hold you near,
You will never be alone for I am always here.
Thank you SHAL, for helping me through,
There's no other way to say it,
I'd be lost without you!
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dat was really wonderful & touching.. dont ever worry abt wat u r 2 me dear, becox u will neva be anything less dan my world.. u means alot to me.. thanx alot for bein da best part of my life.. u r so special & wil be foreva.. umwahx.. me alwax wit u..
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