Words are spoken, some encourage, others hurt, as they say, you can tame almost everything in the world, but never the tongue.
Words cut sharper than the blade, they pierce through you without your knowledge. Words are the strongest weapon of all. Words stop wars, words trigger wars, words encourage people, words bring inspirations, but words also bring a person's down fall. Words hurt alot, especially when they are spoken at the wrong time.
Speak what your hearts desire, but remember this rule when you speak, if you want to speak about someone, speak the truth and speak it right in the face of the person. For critical words do hurt, but they hurt more when the person finds out about it, not through your mouth, but the tongue of others.
Words come out of our mouth, sometimes so sudden, almost without any thoughts to it. Ask yourself a question, when is the last time you praise someone? When is the last time you actually tell someone that she look pretty or he is smart? It's been awhile since you do that huh? Why is it so hard to praise people? Why is it so difficult for us to open our mouth and tell someone that he or she is doing well?
One day, a little boy took an apple out of the refrigerator, he washed it and wanted to take the first bite, but, before biting the apple, he realised that at top of the apple there was a small part of it which was spoilt, without thinking further, he took the apple and wanted to throw it into the dustbin. A hand came and stopped him, it was his mom, she said " Why are you throwing the apple into the dustbin?" the little boy answered " It's spoilt at d top, can't eat it, so i decided to throw it away." his mom took the apple from him, took a knife, and cut off the part of the apple in which was spoilt and passed it back to the little boy, then said "Look, it isn't spoilt now, isn't it? All you need is to cut of the part which is spoilt, then you'll have an edible apple again." The little boy, took the apple, smiled and went away eating it happily.
Similarly, we are like apples, everyone of us, thus try and focus on the good points of each person instead of their bad points, then you will be able to praise someone sincerely through your heart. Remember, the fist does much, the mind does more, but words, does most; it crushes hopes and it builds them up, it comes meaninglessly sometimes, but it stays forever in our hearts, words affect people's life, words encourage and discourage one. Words are the greatest weapon and yet, at the same time, the greatest aid.
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