Most of us think later when anything happens; I didn’t exclude myself from this principal of human behavior. Very recently one of my friend was feeling depressed of relationship broke up with his girlfriend. He told about the problems he faced and how it did happen, I agreed with him about his girlfriend had lots of mistakes as well…. But he was thinking about it too late, that there is no chance of getting back her to life again. I am saying that if he thinks little early then he could find a way.
From this my mind goes back to years, I had a problem with one of my mate, even though it was not love relationship we both are very close buddy than. We had very small arguments which left our long relationship sealed with enemies for years and years. Very recently I got a mail from her, saying that she was sorry for the misunderstood between both of us. Thank God for realizing her to think about it even if it’s more than 5years we haven’t had any contact.
For young generation people relationship stuff and mostly broke up thing is very usual, besides most of guys take decision very soon without thinking anymore; even then come across uncomfortable of the decisions later. So what I understand from this is most of the problems we face daily life could be better as now if we thinks about the reason of our failure before it happens.
Let me here explain what I found a help for this kind of problems yet it could be a great piece for those who could face difficulties in their love life, relationship and broke up matters.
Each day brings about new problems. These problems could destroy a relationship without a moment’s notice. Though many can be seen, some cannot. Yet, should you recognize those that are troubling your relationship and try to work past them so your relationship stays on the right course. However, there are some common issues that can end your relationship. By recognizing them, you can reduce the damage that may be done to your relationship.
There is no greater threat to a relationship ending then one partner cheating on the other person. Cheating brings about so many dangers but can also hurt you and your “supposed” partner. This cheating destroys any trust, feeling and forgiveness your partner may have for you. Cheating, unfortunately, is a common occurrence in society and is rising. How can you keep from destroying your relationship? It’s quite simple… don’t cheat. Leave your clothing on for the one you chose to be with. However, if you do cheat, the best things you can do are to beg for forgiveness and change your ways.
Lack of Affection
When couples love each other, it’s easy to show some sort of affection. However, over time, you may still love each other but take each other for granted, assuming that the other knows how you feel. Instead, keep them informed of your feelings. Not doing this can lead to hard feelings and breakups. You can prevent this breakup by letting your other half know how much you love them and how important they are to you.
Would you believe that fighting in a relationship can be good for it? It’s very natural for couples to fight and it’s healthy too. Yet, it can be dangerous too. Don’t lose your cool over every single thing. Fights can tell you what the pertinent issues your relationship is facing. If they are overlooked and not dealt with, your relationship could end. However, remind yourselves that you do love each other, why you fell in love and take the good things along with the bad ones.
Controlling Partner
While in the romantic movies it may be funny to see the overbearing girlfriend/wife, brandishing a cell phone, demanding to know where her boyfriend/husband has been. The man may sit there and tell her “Yes, ma’am, Yes, dear”. However, real life is never that funny and should never been viewed as such. No one, man or woman, should tell you what to do, how to act and certainly should never control anything about you. A relationship like this lacks trust. It’s also seen as a form of abuse too… psychological abuse. If you are with your partner, you should have some trust in him or her.
While there are other reasons for a relationship to die, these 4 are the most important ones to know. If there is some sort of conflict in the relationship, try to fix the problem. By remembering the 4 reasons a relationship fails, you lessen your chance to end your relationship and ruin your happiness.
I salute for this post...
AR hussain i really appriciate this posts of urs and thanks for bringing such a post...cheers..hope to see more..and hope we imporve ourself
Cheating is usually a sign that the person whom are cheating is looking for something they're not getting from the relationship there in. It don´t means that the partner who was cheated on is doing anything wrong, just that there is a major problem in bedrock of the relationship.
Well i must say that the above information given by you is very impressive.
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