When I heard this quotes; The past stood witness, to my present uncertainty, while future was evasive; its is in deed very true about our daily life. No man’s life is completed without his past, present and future. Everyone learns some lessons in their past, live their present and hope for better in future.
Life is presented to us in three forms – past, present and the future. We often keep clinching to our past, refusing to move forward. A time comes when the past stares in our face – at that time we want to jump towards the future but life doesn’t move an inch. This happens because the more we cling to our past, more hotly it pursues us. And then we don’t have the courage to face it boldly.
What is required is that we maintain a balance between the three – past, present and future. It is often said – live in present. Very true indeed! But at the same time we must realize that we can’t detach ourselves completely from the past and also can’t help aspiring about the time to come. We all carry with us a bit of yesterday in our today – no matter how good or bad. The perfect recipe of life can contain: two teaspoonfuls of past, five of present and three of future; garnished with our adorable qualities and values of life.