Monday, October 13, 2008

How and Why we fall in Love?

“ Falling in Love” is something that we all do in our daily life, every day every where some one fall for love and carry on their Loving life, but theoretically many of us don’t know how and why we fall for one another or else we fall in love without knowing each other. There are certain ways we fall for another one, sometimes for the appearance and sometimes because of the way they deal or treat us, but the meaning of falling in love differs from one another, here I have tried to identified why and how people in love with opposite sex.

Falling in love and love are two quiet different feeling. Falling in love can be either a flash of emotions or a first step towards love.
Falling in love is a strong instinctive attraction to the person of the other sex. In case it’s mutual and both lovers will work at their relationships, one day that feeling can grow into love. Falling in love is crazy, it’s very physical, it’s when knees are getting weak and temperature rises, love is calm, comfortable and mental.

You have to do nothing to fall in love and often there’s either nothing you can do to stop falling in love. It’s very illogical: you suffer from splashes of emotions, doubts can’t fully control yourself and it’s all because of a person you usually almost don’t know. When we fall in love nature shows all its power on us. Sometimes it even goes against our sense when we understand that we can’t expect anything good from these relationships that it’s the wrong person but still can do nothing about ourselves.

Falling in love is the call of our sex but the object is instinctually chosen according to our ideals, dreams and etc although we may not realize it. We usually fall in love with the appearance of the person, with the way he/she walks, the way he/she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some illusions, ideal qualities and the more we get to know that that person the less we fall for him or her. That’s when the feeling disappears eve faster than it appeared.

The more two persons get to know each other, the more comfortable they get the less sharp, bright and exciting the feeling gets. Some couples continue their relationships and get married in the end some fall apart. It’s reasonable to say that a second pair of slippers by the bed and one more toothbrush in the bathroom is the end of that crazy falling in love but it also can be the beginning of something more serious.

Different people fall in love more or less often than other. Some are switching partners enjoying crazy emotions which never turn with them into a real love.

Some may fall in love for a short time while having some permanent partner they love; this can even ruin some stable relationships. Some can claim to be in love with two people at the same time. These are usually two very different people so that one can’t choose which type is better but can neither afford to take both. In the center of love there’s always only one person.

We may call falling in love some kind of a temporary illness both mental and physical and won’t be very wrong. Some will say that it’s destructive, selfish, possessive, and blind and give falling in love many other unpleasant definitions. But have those people ever been in love? Because if they have, they would know that it differs from any other illness in on very essential way – it can be very pleasant. People nowadays often turn to antidepressants and drugs because it makes them feel better in the first case and makes them high in the second.

Falling in love is the most natural and the least harmless kind of doping. Yes, it’s not a mural, it never looks in the future, in fact it has no future but it gives life some spirit of freshness and youthfulness

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Think about our Nation, Go Vote!

This is the time to think about our nation,
Our future and Our childrens and familly.
The result of todays Vote shall be the
begining of bringing about a system of governing
this nation that will hear the voice of Maldivians
and bring the country back to the peopl,
for the generations to come.
Go vote for better future and change we can believe in.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What does True Love mean?

In most cases we think: this is true love, when in fact it’s not. But than if this ain’t love than what it is? There are plenty of things that we confuse with love.

It could be just the basic instinct. The feelings can be passionate and crazy, but in fact both people may want only sex. And after it all the misunderstanding starts, and once infatuated lovers will find out that they have nothing in common and sometimes they don’t even know what to talk with each other.

Another variant is when people lack support, care and attention to their person or they just scared to stay single. Being with someone can be a habit when one simply got used to the other. It can either be a sick addiction or some self-interest. People call all these types of relationship love just by mistake or trying to conceal the true nature of it.

But than what does real love look and feel like? Maybe it’s when two people seem to know each other for ages and even in their previous lives. They can go on talking and talking and conversation never lacks topics and never gets dull. Or people don’t have to say anything because they understand each other without words. And those moments, minutes and even hours of silence are never uncomfortable. True love is when partners complete one another, when they’re together it’s peaceful, the whole other world with it’s sufferings and problems doesn’t exist and nothing even matters.

True love means understanding. One trusts another more than him/herself and feels ready to satisfy every little need of a partner. Two people don’t stop for a second looking into each other eyes.

It’s said that two persons truly in love aren’t looking at each other but in the one direction. And this is rather reasonable because they don’t say nothing “this is yours and this is mine” and share everything: friends, enemies, interests, problems and etc. One has his/her own identity but sees him/herself only as a part of the other. Still real love is not a relationship of property. If you really love someone you may say “I belong you” but always be ready to let go if it makes the person you love happy.

Jealousy stands out of the true love. How can one be jealous if there’s so much love and faithfulness? Real love doesn’t long for power, it doesn’t want to hurt, doesn’t want to punish for mistakes, it’s self-sacrificing and ready to forgive other and other again. But it’s wrong to think that true love is always a suffering, it only means that you take a person as he or she is and don’t expect the one you love to be perfect.

True love isn’t supposed to blow your mind, yet it doesn’t tend to get and to possess – it’s a and very special state of a soul.

But the question that true love is still has no definite answer. Do we truly love only once in our life? At what age are we supposed to meet our love? Does it last for a lifetime or just for a while? Probably everyone has his own answers to this questions. The truth is that no one should spend life chasing ideals or building relationships by some model of a true love. One will probably fail and miss the real thing beyond all this.

We should remember that very many things we need to supply our healthy and comfortable living but only the true feeling of love makes life really longer and happier. And this is scientifically proved.

( Note : This article is based on Dr. Philips Marconis ( UK ) book of "True Love and the Relationship", a specialist of Love and Realtionship" )